Mednarodni filmski festival ZOOM: ZOOM.11

V Pionirskem domu že enajsto leto pripravljamo ZOOM, filmski festival osnovnih in srednjih šol, ki postaja vedno bolj odmeven med mladimi filmskimi ustvarjalci iz Slovenije in zamejstva.

23.03.2017 - 25.03.2017


ZOOM. 11 – Mednarodni festival otroškega in mladinskega filma


Komu je namenjen: osnovnošolcem in srednješolcem

Kdaj bo potekal: 23., 24. in 25. marec 2017

Kje: Festivalna dvorana v Ljubljani

Zadnji rok za oddajo del: 1. marec 2017

Za več informacij pišite:

Vodja festivala: Vesna Tripković


Program festivala si lahko ogledate tukaj: ZOOM11_program


Brezplačen festival je namenjen vsem osnovnošolcem in srednješolcem, ki se sami ali v filmskih krožkih ukvarjajo in urijo v filmski umetnosti.


Festival je zaključen, klape najboljšim so podeljene.


Letos smo prejeli več kot 500 filmov,

ki so jih posneli otroci in mladostniki.









ZOOM.11 - Film festival for children and adolescents


Participants: children and adolescents under the age of 18

When: March 23rd, 24th and 25th, 2017

Where: Festivalna dvorana in Ljubljana (Slovenia)

Deadline: March 1st, 2017

More info:


The festival is free and intended for all children from primary and secondary schools who devote their free time to educating themselves in the arts of films or are involved in film clubs.

At the festival you can:

- participate by submitting your films that will be inspected by a special committee which will choose the best film in different categories,
- take part in free morning film workshops led by renowned experts and
- watch films from your peers.


The festival is meant to encourage, educate, and provide an insight to youngsters into the process of creating a film. The youth communicate their problems, fears, wishes and desires to us and the world precisely through the means of film language. This festival is also an opportunity for mentors to look into and compare with other schools and production companies.


Rules & Terms

- ZOOM.11 is a film festival for children and adolescents under the age of 18
- submission will be accepted until March 1st, 2017
- films must have a runtime of 20 minutes or less
- films must be produced after January 1st, 2015
- there is a strict “no premiere” policy
- films must be submitted via Festhome ( or via the E-ZOOM page (
- films have to be available in DCP format for festival screening
- required film resolution: 1280 x 720 or 1920 x 1080
- languages accepted: Slovene or English audio or with Slovene/English subtitles


Awards & Prizes

- secondary school: Golden Clapperboard for Best Movie and 200 €
- primary school: Golden Clapperboard for Best Movie and 200 €

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